It is with huge excitement that I can share the news that I am now an official author. My book “The Low Carb Diabetes Cookbook“, published by Penguin Random House has launched today (1st November 2018). It feels like a long time coming, but it is finally here and in the hands of so many of you.
I signed my contract with PRH back in December 2016 and started writing it shortly after. Florence was a tiny bundle in my arms. From 6 months old I then weaned her on many of the recipes (pureed of course), and now she is a fully fledged, rambunctious toddler, running, talking and ruling my world, with total euphoric love and joy, of course. I couldn’t have asked for a better recipe testing guinea pig (as well as my husband). What a whirlwind it has been.
The support I have received over social media has been incredible and I am so ecstatically terrified for you to get the copy in your hands. There is that slight panic at the back of my mind, the will they like the book, will they like what I say, will they like the recipes?
The book contains 100 of my low carb recipes. Some of which have come off the blog (the most popular), but the majority of which are brand new. There are:
soups and salads
light bites
side dishes and snacks
baking and desserts
There are meal plans, kitchen cupboard essentials with my story interweaved. There is also the nutritional information including carb count for each recipe there for those that need it.
I have co-written the book with Dr David Cavan, international diabetes expert, endocrinologist and best-selling author or the Reverse Your Diabetes books. It has been an absolute honour to have David’s support, insight and encouragement. To have someone as well-regarded and knowledgeable entrusting in me and my recipes. His knowledge, science and information is embedded in to the book in a great format. Something that those with Diabetes (pre, gestational, type one and two and all their families) will benefit from reading.
The book is available in hard copy and as an e-book. It will be available to buy Internationally soon, I will keep you posted.

The book is for everyone. Please don’t be put off just because the title has “diabetes” in it. It is a book full of low carb recipes, recipes that are there to benefit everyone’s health, for children and adults. The ingredients are simple, things you can pick up from your local supermarket. You may have noticed in my blog already that I don’t do complicated food and I don’t do hard to make food. I don’t have the time (or the money) for ingredients that can only be bought in trendy health food shops or online. The methods are straight forward and simple to follow. At the end of the day food is there to be enjoyed by everyone, I want this to be a book to inspire, showing people who low carb isn’t a fad, it isn’t boring, or devoid of vital food groups (something I frequently read).
I believe that everyone should live the life they choose. One diet doesn’t fit all, granted. But, there are people out there that are changing their lives following a low carb diet, putting their diabetes (type 2) in to remission, preventing their pre diabetes diagnosis, controlling their blood sugars more tightly and taking less insulin (T1 and T2) or medication. You can read my story here. There are medical experts who are shouting the benefits of low carb from the roof tops and their voices are finally being heard. run the low carb program through their website, something which can also be prescribed from your local health authority, so if you are interested in reading more in detail about low carb and the benefits then see here.
More than 326,000 people have signed up to the Low Carb Program which is a 10-week, evidence-based structured behavioural change programme supporting patients with type 2 diabetes and prediabetes to place their condition into remission. A low-carbohydrate approach to blood glucose control can help people lose weight, improve their health and wellbeing, and their medication dependency.
Last year it was estimated the programme had saved the NHS £6.9 million in one year through reducing type 2 diabetes medications.
If it is going to help your health, save your health, prevent your health from deteriorating then try it! Health is wealth, I can tell you that much.

And finally, you may have noticed that my website has changed. Welcome to The Low Carb Kitchen, I hope you like it. I have been in the process of changing the blog over for some time, but with the launch of the book, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to launch this along side it. I hope that the layout is more user-friendly and that you stick around and continue to enjoy the recipes I share.
Thank you again for your continued encouragement and support. I couldn’t have done it without you.
Thank you also to Dr David Cavan, the team at, Jonathan Hayden, Teresa Quinlan and Penguin Random House for making this all possible.
Emma x