Tag: recipes for diabetics

Kale, Garlic and Avocado Dip

Kale, Garlic and Avocado Dip

Kale is one of the most used vegetables in our household. Each week I go along to our local farmers market and I buy three huge bunches of it for £1 to have with various meals throughout the week. Baked, wok’d, steamed or raw, Kale is…

Roasted Butternut Squash with Broccoli Pesto

Roasted Butternut Squash with Broccoli Pesto

Since we got back from our mini break life’s been crazy busy. I can’t believe it’s Easter this weekend! Where has that come from? And more to the point, where is this year going!? For the last three years we’ve been away over Easter so…

Simple Blueberry Breakfast Slice

Simple Blueberry Breakfast Slice

I am so sorry for my absence these past couple of weeks, I hope you will forgive me, I feel we have a lot to catch up on! Last week Ports and I took a trip to Annecy in the Rhône-Alpes region in south-eastern France followed by a…

Layered Smoothie Pot With Berry Coulis

Layered Smoothie Pot With Berry Coulis

I’ve been experimenting with breakfast dishes quite a bit recently as a lot of people say that they find this the hardest meal of the day when trying to be ‘Paleo’. Life does get in the way a lot and can seem even harder especially when you…

Paleo Mayonnaise

Paleo Mayonnaise

My husband loves to have a sauce with a lot of his meals, be it tomato, chutney, brown sauce or mustard. Personally I have never really been that in to them as they are usually pumped full of sugars and stabilisers (and general ingredients I would…

Roasted Red Pepper Pesto Courgetti

Roasted Red Pepper Pesto Courgetti

One of my favourite kitchen utensils has to be my spiralizer (UK / US). For those of you who don’t know what a spiralizer is it’s basically an inexpensive (about £30) plastic stand that you manually feed your vegetable (or fruit) of choice through to create…

Paleo Chilli Chicken and Almond Satay

Paleo Chilli Chicken and Almond Satay

I can’t believe that in a couple of months it will have been a whole year since Ports and I got married, surrounded by a close group of family and friends on an island called Lombok in Indonesia. I know that everyone always says it…

Raw Chocolate Raspberry Kisses

Raw Chocolate Raspberry Kisses

I don’t know your thoughts on Valentine’s Day but mine are that it’s all a very overrated ploy. A huge love campaign to make men and women spend a colossal amount of money all for the sake of “affirming” their love. Restaurants double or even triple their…

Spiced Apple Granola Clusters

Spiced Apple Granola Clusters

Back before I gave up gluten, dairy and grains I used to think, somewhat naively, that having a bowl of granola with skimmed milk was a good start to the day. By 11am I would be craving a diet coke and by 3pm I would…

Mrs P’s Chocoholics Chocolate Mousse

Mrs P’s Chocoholics Chocolate Mousse

Growing up my brother and I used to love Angel Delight, he would always go for the strawberry (which I thought tasted like chemicals) and I would have the chocolate. Although we had a pretty competitive and tumultuous childhood relationship, we were in fact very…

Mrs P’s Super Green Smoothie

Mrs P’s Super Green Smoothie

For the last couple of weeks I have really been putting my new Nutribullet through its paces. Anything that can be smoothied, has been smoothied! It’s so simple to use, easy to clean and blends everything to smooth perfection. Every green smoothie I seem to…

Sesame Chicken Goujons and Avocado Chilli Cream

Sesame Chicken Goujons and Avocado Chilli Cream

The sun is shining and even though it is mighty cold outside and with the BBC’s constant threat of snow (stop teasing us Londoners and just make it happen!) I have spent my week feeling positively… well positive I suppose! I’ve been drinking lots of…