Roasted Butternut Squash with Broccoli Pesto

Roasted Butternut Squash with Broccoli Pesto

Since we got back from our mini break life’s been crazy busy. I can’t believe it’s Easter this weekend! Where has that come from? And more to the point, where is this year going!? For the last three years we’ve been away over Easter so I’m actually looking forward to having the bank holiday to catch up and chill out. Undoubtedly this will also include copious amounts of chocolate based goodies, after all this is technically the one time of year when a chocolate coma is 100% allowed / expected. I will be sharing an Easter / chocolate related post later this week but for those of you looking for something more immediate then my favourite recommendations are from the lovely Irena (Cinnamon, ginger & raisin paleo pancakes) and Georgie (Paleo creme eggs). Such clever and wonderful recipes!

I don’t know about you guys but the weather here in London has been totally horrific the last few days. All I’ve wanted to do is curl up with a hot water bottle and wish the rain drops and wind away and the summer sun to arrive! I have been actively searching out comfort food; warming, hearty meals. One of my favourite comfort meals has to be roasted salt and pepper butternut squash with broccoli pesto, capers and pomegranate seeds. I could eat butternut squash at any time in any dish, I just love it, skin and all.

Packed with nutrients, vitamins and lots of health boosting goodness, this dish is certainly one that excites the taste buds, plus it’s really simple to make and perfect for those meat free Mondays!


Roasted Butternut Squash with Broccoli Pesto
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Packed with nutrients, vitamins and lots of health boosting goodness, this dish is certainly one that excites the taste buds!
Recipe type: Lunch, Dinner, Supper
Serves: 2
  • 1 organic butternut squash (approx 1kg, I used Coquina squash)
  • 1.5tsp sea salt
  • ⅓ cup pommegranate seeds
  • 1 tbsp capers
  • 4 florets of broccoli (about 100g)
  • 1tsp ground pepper
  • 15 whole brazil nuts
  • ½ cup olive oil + approx 1 tsb to drizzle on to butternut squash
  • 15 g basil
  • Fresh corriander leaves for decoration
  1. Preheat oven at 170°c /338°F
  2. On to a baking sheet place your two halves of butternut squash, seeds scooped out
  3. Drizzle with olive oil, sea salt and pepper
  4. Place in oven for approx 45 minutes until you can place a fork in it easily and the flesh has started to move away from the skin and brown
  5. For the brocoli pesto: (this makes enough to fill a small kilner jar so is enough for the meal and for a few meals after)
  6. In to a food processor place the brazil nuts, olive oil, brocoli, ½ tsp sea salt, basil and blend. You will probably have to use a spatula to scrape down the sides until it's all smooth and combined
  7. Add more olive oil if its not smooth enough and keep blending until paste like
  8. Have a taste and add more salt to taste!
  9. Once the butternut squash has come out of the oven spoon about 1 tbsp on to the squash and spread along until covered
  10. Sprinkle on pommegranates and capers and drizzle with some olive oil
  11. Serve straight away or store in the fridge in a sealed container and eat within 3 days
























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