One pan, sweet strawberry and almond slice

One pan, sweet strawberry and almond slice

A delightfully sweet one pan strawberry and almond slice that is low in carbs and free from gluten and grains too. This is a great source of protein and perfect for slicing and sharing with your family and friends. It certainly satisfies a sweet tooth.

When I first trialled this recipe, I did so on my 4-year-old daughter and her friend. They both fell silent as they ate it. I stared at them intently expecting a response. Several seconds later two little thumbs popped up, followed by a chorus of “more please” and delighted giggles.

Later on that evening I received a message from Clemmie’s friends Mummy saying that her daughter had been talking about what I had made for them and had described it as “delicious strawberry cookie toast cake”.  A wonderful win, I say! If the children will eat it, then it must be good.

Low in carbs, easy to make with simple supermarket ingredients. If you want to avoid the almonds then replace with a ground / milled seed of choice. Alternatively something like coconut flour would work but use 20g instead of 50g as it is far more dense as an ingredient.

The nutritional info, per serving (serves 4):

6g carbs

275 cals

15g protein

Do I have to use sweetener? No, you can leave this out. It’s optional. If you do want to use it then I recommend a powdered sweetener. I like to use powdered erythritol which I bulk buy from Amazon, here.

I am allergic to nuts, what can I use?

Milled / ground seeds such as flaxseed (also known as linseed) work well as a like for like alternative. As mentioned above, you could also choose a coconut flour but just be mindful of how much you use as it is very dense and can soak up all the liquid and make it very dry so I suggest 20g max.

Do I have to use ricotta? 

No! You can leave it out, or use something else such as a thick Greek yoghurt perhaps – which you could add at the end once the slice has been baked.

I only have a small frying pan…

That’s ok, it’ll just be a thicker strawberry slice! You might just need to amend the cooking time. Keep it on a low/ medium heat so the bottom doesn’t burn and perhaps a minute or so longer under the grill.

One pan, sweet strawberry and almond slice
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
A delightful, simple one pan strawberry breakfast slice which is low in carbs and high in protein.
Recipe type: Breakfast
Serves: 8 slices
  • 250g strawberries
  • 1 tbsp + 1 tsp sweetener (optional)
  • 1 tbsp + 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 6 large eggs
  • 50g ground almonds (or ground flaxseed / linseed / seed mix )
  • 10g butter or coconut oil
  • 100g firm ricotta, crumbled
  • 25g flaked almonds or chopped almonds (I recommend dry roasting them for extra crunch and flavour)
  • 1 tsp fresh mint leaves, finely chopped (optional)
  1. Remove the tops and thinly slice 150g of the strawberries. Put aside.
  2. Cut the remaining 100g strawberries into halves.
  3. Combine the halved strawberries with 1 tbsp powdered sweetener + 1 tsp water in a bowl and stir to cover.
  4. Place the eggs, ground almonds, vanilla and 1 tsp sweetener into a separate bowl and whisk well until combined.
  5. Preheat your grill to the high setting.
  6. Melt the butter in the bottom of a non-stick, ovenproof frying pan over a medium heat.
  7. Add the egg mixture and move it around for 30 seconds until the mixture starts to stick. Top with the sliced strawberries, ricotta and half the chopped almonds. Leave for 4-5 minutes until the underside is cooked. N.B. you will be able to lift the sides up slightly.
  8. Now place under the grill for approximately 5 minutes until the ricotta is lightly browned and the mixture has set. Keep an eye on it as you do not want it to overcook and the egg to burn.
  9. Carefully remove from the oven, top with the remaining halved strawberries and flaked or chopped almonds and serve.
  10. A few mint leaves make for a beautiful garnish and table centrepiece.
  11. Slice and serve.
  12. This will keep in the fridge in a sealed container for up to 3 days.


Cooking class:

Come and cook with me here in Cheltenham. I have released 3 cooking classes for the summer so book your space now to avoid disappointment. To see the classes click here.

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The Low Carb Diabetes Cookbook (Penguin, 2018)

The Low Carb Baking Bible ebook 

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