English Breakfast Mini Frittatas

English Breakfast Mini Frittatas

Every weekday morning I walk through the tube station and pass a McDonald’s. It’s the one place that always, no matter what time of day or night, has a queue running outside the door with people piled into it. Lots of teenagers appear there daily to get their 7:30am fix before school. Having never been a “fast food junkie” and with so much information out there about what’s good / bad for us, I can’t quite comprehend why people still want to indulge in such bad food, at any time, let alone so early in the morning. However, I imagine for most people they would claim it’s convenience rather than anything else. Convenience doesn’t buy a long life free from disease. Convenience is an excuse.

Jamie Oliver has recently launched a campaign to to get the Government to impose a tax of 20 per cent on fizzy drinks and his 5 point manifesto makes a lot of sense. My favourite point being to show the amount of sugar (in teaspoons) on the front of each sugary drink, if this doesn’t make people think twice about what they are putting in their bodies then I don’t know what will. You all know my thoughts on sugar so I am a big supporter of this campaign and I really do urge that any one UK based sign it here. Sugar is a silent, painful killer; it causes obesity, type two diabetes, heart disease, rots your teeth and a number of other ill effects. The sooner we can can educate the next generation and make them realise what they are putting in their bodies for better rather than worse the less complications and implications they might suffer as a result.

These low carb “English Breakfast Mini Frittatas” might not be the carb and salt loaded McDonald’s Egg Mcmuffin, however, they are darn good, I promise. What’s even better for me is that I barely need any insulin for them as they are such low carb. Made with free range eggs, organic bacon, tomatoes, spring onion and mushrooms they are laden with good fats, protein, essential vitamins and nutrients. Fun for kids to make and get involved with, perfect for lunch boxes, picnics or just a snack on the go. I love to have mine for breakfast with half an avocado and a wedge of lemon.

Breakfast Paleo Muffin

English Breakfast Mini Frittatas
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Recipe type: Breakfast, Snack, Kids, Kids breakfast, kids snack, Eggs, Brunch
Serves: 8-12
  • 8 eggs, whisked together with 3 tbsp water
  • 2 spring onions, finely chopped
  • ½ tsp sea salt
  • 110g cherry tomatoes, sliced in to half
  • 60g button mushrooms, sliced
  • pinch black pepper (to each muffin)
  • 5 rashers bacon
  1. Preheat oven to 180° c
  2. In to a frying pan over high heat place bacon and dry fry for approx 2 minutes on each side (you want it to be cooked but not crispy as it will cook in the oven later). Place to the side
  3. In to the same frying pan place a little oil (preferably coconut) and fry off mushrooms for about 2 minutes- just to soften them. Place to the side
  4. Chop your bacon in to thin (about 1.0 cm) length strips
  5. With all your ingredient in front of you, in to muffin holders (I always use silicone as they don't need greasing, but if yours are not silicone then please grease first) place lengths of bacon (about 4 pieces in each one)
  6. Followed by a few mushrooms, 2 cherry tomato halves and then fill with egg mixture to near the top
  7. Sprinkle a little sea salt over the top and add some chopped spring onion and a little black pepper to finish
  8. Repeat until all the mixture has been used (I make around 12 medium sized muffins)
  9. Place muffins in to the oven for around 15 minutes (and then check), if they have not risen or are still a little soft then keep them in for a further 5 minutes and check.
  10. Once risen, take out of oven and place on wire rack to cool
  11. Serve hot or cold
Keep in the fridge in sealed container for up to 4 days
My silicone muffin tray is from Asda. For the link, click here

Breakfast Paleo Muffin

Breakfast Paleo Muffin

Breakfast Paleo Muffin

Breakfast Paleo Muffin

Breakfast Paleo Muffin

Breakfast Paleo Muffin

Breakfast Paleo Muffin

Breakfast Paleo Muffin

Breakfast Paleo Muffin

Breakfast Paleo Muffin

Breakfast Paleo Muffin

Breakfast Paleo Muffin

Breakfast Paleo Muffin

Breakfast Paleo Muffin

Breakfast Paleo Muffin

Breakfast Paleo Muffin

Breakfast Paleo Muffin

Breakfast Paleo Muffin

Breakfast Paleo Muffin

Breakfast Paleo Muffin

I have not been endorsed for any brands mentioned in this blog post. 

All recipes, design and photography copyright Paleo With Mrs P ©

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