Blueberry And Almond Butter Smoothie

Blueberry And Almond Butter Smoothie

As most of you probably know by now, I am a huge fan of almond butter. In fact in terms of useful ingredients, it’s probably the one thing I use on an almost daily basis. I add it to smoothies, curries, sweet treats and will quite happily have it (in spoonfuls) on its own. It’s simply delicious and has some great health benefits to match. My most favourite brand is Meridian and in particular their cruchy almond butter, not only because it is one hundred percent natural (be careful, there are so many nut butters out there with added sugars or nasty oils) but also because I am just obsessed with the crunchy texture.  The Meridian range is vast with “smooth” options available as well as “crunchy”. For those with nut allergies they also do some seed butter options!

Most mornings I will either have an omelette (usually with spinach or blueberries and cinnamon) or a smoothie. For the most part this is because I know exactly how my body and blood sugars react to them. For me knowledge is power and if it means I have the same breakfast for three days in a row just to have a good blood sugar then that’s what I do!

Smoothies are great for breakfast as you can pack them full of good fats, protein, vitamins and nutrients. This “Blueberry Almond Butter Smoothie” is my favourite of the moment as it’s creamy and filling, with the sweetness of the blueberries and the nuttiness from the almond butter. I also add in a couple of prunes to sweeten it very slightly and to  add a pretty hefty dose of fibre.

If you are not an almond butter fan then you could substitute for hazelnut butter, cashew nut butter or a seed butter.

Blueberry Almond Dairy Free Smoothie

Blueberry And Almond Butter Smoothie
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
A delicious, quick and simple creamy smoothie. The perfect balance of energy, vitamins and fibre with no added nasties. Perfect for breakfast, pre/post workout or an "on the go" boost.
Recipe type: Smoothie, Drink, Breakfast
Serves: 1 large, 2 small
  • 1 Cup Fresh Blueberries (alternatively ½ fresh and ½ frozen)
  • 300ml Almond Milk
  • 1 tbsp Almond Butter
  • 2 Dried Prunes
  1. In to a smoothie maker (I use the Nutribullet) place all your ingredients and blitz until smooth and creamy
  2. Add more almond milk if you would like a thinner consistency
  3. Serve straight away

Blueberry Almond Smoothie Dairy Free

Blueberry Almond Dairy Free Smoothie

Blueberry Almond Dairy Free Smoothie

Blueberry Almond Dairy Free Smoothie

Blueberry Almond Dairy Free Smoothie

Blueberry Almond Dairy Free Smoothie

Blueberry Almond Dairy Free Smoothie

Blueberry Almond Dairy Free Smoothie

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