Chocolate hazelnut spread
Recipe type: chocolate spread
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Serves: 15 servings
smooth, decadent chocolate spread with less than 2g carbs per serving.
  • 280g hazelnuts, roasted (you can either buy blanched, without skin, or with skin)
  • 2 tbsp cocoa powder (or cacao)
  • sweetener, optional (I suggest a powdered one, SEE NOTES)
  1. Preheat oven to 180C / 350F.
  2. Place hazelnuts on a baking tray and bake for approximately 7-9 minutes until lightly toasted. If they are blanched they will probably need a little less time and if the hazelnuts have skins then these will be slightly blistered once toasted.
  3. Keep a close eye on them as you don't want them to burn!
  4. Allow to fully cool on the side. If the hazelnuts have skins, you can flake these off as much as possible by just rubbing them through your hands.
  5. Place in a high powered blender and blend at the highest speed. You will need to scrape the sides every so often. It will go from whole nut, to ground nut, to thick butter, to a thin pourable butter. The time it will take to do this will vary, depending on the style of your blender. Anything high powered could take as little as 3 mins, or something slower could take much longer, but you just need to persevere.
  6. Add the cocoa powder and pulse until fully conbined. Have a taste. If you want to add sweetener do so now and continue to blend until fully mixed in. Have another taste. Add extra cocoa if needed.
  7. Pour in to a jar.
  8. Seal.
  9. Enjoy.
Sweetener / sugar.
If you add sweetener, then add ½ tsp (I recommend it be powdered) and then try it, and see if you want more. If you use a liquid / sugar like honey, then you may find the consistency of the butter changes. You will need to continue to blend until you get it back to a pourable consistency / or consistency you like.
If you use a granulated sugar / sweetener, you will have crunchy bits in your mix, so best to use powdered.
If your blender is struggling and it isn't going to a thin butter then your options are to add ½ a tablespoon of coconut oil or other nut based oil. This will help.
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