Hot cross buns
Recipe type: Baked-goods recipes
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Serves: 9
A delicious hot cross bun recipe containing yeast and gluten. These are springy, fragrant, sweet and the most similar to the standard hot cross bun recipe you will find.
  • 240ml warm milk or water (your choice)
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 2tsp active / dry yeast (the "quick yeast" / "easy bake" are all great)
  • 120g golden ground linseed (also known as flaxseed)
  • 120g vital wheat gluten (VERY IMPORTANT) sold in most health food stores or on Amazon – I regularly use this one – you can buy in 1kg bags too here
  • 40g oat fibre – this is the one I use, you want the white fluffy version as this is better for baking - here
  • 30g butter, melted
  • 20g Greek / plain yoghurt
  • 1 large egg
  • ½ tsp sea salt
  • 3 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 2 tsp mixed spice
  • 4 tbsp powdered sweetener
  • 2 tsp fresh orange zest
  • If you want to add any freeze dried berries (blueberries - which are fab) you can / same with dried fruit- but I tend to avoid this as very high in carbs. Alternatively if you just want a little sweetness you could chop some dates up finely (maybe 2 or 3 and spread that into the dough. Your call!
  • For the glaze:
  • 20g butter unsalted
  • 1 tbsp honey OR liquid sweetener of choice. Honey works well and doesn’t increase carbs by much.
  • For the cross:
  • 50g plain flour
  • water
  • OR
  • Sukrin icing sugar+ water
  1. First off you need to proof the yeast.
  2. Grab a glass / porcelain bowl and add your yeast, sugar and warm water or warm milk. Mix together, loosely cover with cling film or a tea towel and leave. It will need to be left for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Once there is a thickened foam on top you can take it out and carry on with the next stage.
  4. If after 1 hour no foam has formed throw it away and try again. Check your yeast to make sure it is in date.
  5. In to a stand mixer bowl, or into a large mixing bowl if you are doing this by hand, add the golden milled linseed, vital wheat gluten, oat fibre, butter (melted), Greek yoghurt, beaten large egg, sea salt and yeast mixture.
  6. Use a spatula to combine all the ingredients together and give them a good mix.
  7. Add in the orange zest, sweetener, mixed spice and ground cinnamon.
  8. Now if you have a stand mix you will turn it on to knead function (level 2 on a KitchenAid). Leave it to knead for approximately 7 minutes (time it!).
  9. If you are doing this by hand you will need to knead the dough for about 10 minutes, until you have a soft, springy ball.
  10. If you are adding dried fruit / freeze dried berries / dark chocolate or nuts then fold into the dough and knead until combined.
  11. Divide into 9 equal balls (weigh the dough and divide by 9) and place into a greaseproof paper lined baking dish. I use a 9" square cake pan. Place in a warm environment, loosely cover with clingfilm and leave to prove for 1.5-2 hours.
  12. Once doubled in size and sitting snug next to each other you can preheat your oven to 180°C / 350°F and pop them in your oven to bake for about 20-25 minutes until risen, golden and cooked with firm tops. Remove from oven and add the cross using a piping bag. Place back in the oven for 5 more minutes until the cross has cooked and is firm.
  13. To make the cross: Add the flour to a bowl with a little water until a paste forms. I use approximately 20ml water. Transfer it to a piping bag fitted with a plain nozzle (you can mimic this by using a sandwich bag and snipping the end off, or a child’s food pouch- the reusable ones with the sucking nozzle are great), then pipe in a continuous line along the centre of each row of buns, repeat in the opposite direction to make crosses.
  14. Alternatively you can wait until after they have cooled and use some sweetener icing sugar and make a cross. I will leave that to you.
  15. While your buns are baking, make your glaze. Do this by melting butter carefully and slowly in a pan. Add the liquid sweetener or honey and combine together.
  16. Once your buns are cooked allow to cool on a wire rack. As they are out of the oven you can glaze them at any stage. Just grab a pastry brush / child’s clean painting brush and brush mixture over buns until glossy.
  17. Once fully cooled they can be stored in a bread bin or container at room temp for up to 5 days. Alternatively you can freeze them (without glaze) in a container and consume within 4 weeks.
  18. Enjoy as you would any gluten based bread.
Nutritional information is for the bun. If you add a wheat flour cross too this will add 3g carbs per bun. If you add an erythritol / sweetener cross, this will add 0 carbs.
Nutrition Information
Carbohydrates: 4
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